Use "yaounde|yaoundé" in a sentence

1. There were more than 200 people present: parents of the candidates, friends, FDNSC, the Lay of the Chevalier Family, religious from different congregations and all the MSC living in Yaoundé. During the celebration which lasted for three hours, Brother Fernand Mahoungou professed his Final Vows, while Vital Ifukia, Teddy Mounck, Godefroid Bokumbe, Charles Biloa and Césaire Souissa renewed their vows for a period of two years and were also admitted to the ministry of acolytes.

Le district du Cameroun avec la famille Chevalier au Cameroun a mis une touche particulière pour célébrer cette fête chère à toute la famille spirituelle du P. Jules CHEVALIER.